Mayfair Heights Association annual dues
are currently only $20.00.
What do you get for your $20.00?
Here are some of the ways the money has been used in the past:
Fancy website
Funding for committee activities
Mayfair Drive landscaping and beautification
Social Events
Improved safety and community spirit
With improved membership and dues payment, we can start to do more things in our community!
MHNA Dues may be made at meetings, events, as well as mailed. In-person payments can be made by cash or check. Online payments can be made via Paypal.
*Note: Membership or Donations to Mayfair Heights are not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes.
Please make your check payable to “Mayfair Heights Neighborhood Association.”
Mail to:
Lex Paine/MHNA Treasurer
4808 N. Miller Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
You can also use PayPal to send your dues or other payments to us - just make sure to include your home address in the note when you send the PayPal payment!